Squaring Up Histories (2022)
This group exhibition is meant to coincide with Chautauqua Institution’s week 9 theme highlighting American Folk Art. Featuring primarily textiles, the work by this eclectic array of artists highlights various aspects of traditional quilt-making like storytelling, piecework, and the forging of community-based connections. From the iconic quilts of Gee’s Bend to reimagined Korean bojagi to inflatable glass, these works place quilt practices into a contemporary interdisciplinary context. This exhibition will also include a quilt-based community workshop. Sponsored by Kay Hardesty Logan Foundation. Curated by Erika Diamond. Artists: Natalie Baxter, Quinn Hunter, Julia Kwon, Aaron McIntosh, Rachel Meginnes, Loretta Pettway Bennett, Matthew Szosz.
July 28 - August 22
Strohl Art Center | Main Galleries | Opening reception July 28, 3-5pm with Artist talk 4:30-5:30pm | Quilt workshop August 2, 1-3pm

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