When I Look Down I See the Back of My Own Head & What Are You Trying To Say Right Now?(Diptych)
No Longer Available
Intaglio with chine colle
18" x 24" each (framed)
Emma is an interdisciplinary artist, with work that focuses on collaboration, physicality, and space, as well as dealing with themes such as identity, queerness, pain, and accessibility. She is always searching for new ways to combine ideas and mediums, and create a dialogue between artwork and viewer. She draws inspiration from her own experiences as a queer, chronically ill woman, and sees making art as the best way for her to learn and interact with the experiences of others and the world around her. She will be focusing on combining her experience in printmaking with three dimensional methods of making, and is excited to connect with the other amazing members of the Chautauqua School of Art program throughout this residency.About this Artist
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