Productive failure: Writing queer transnational South Asian art histories




This title sets out to write new transnational South Asian art histories - to make visible histories of artworks that remain marginalised within the discipline of art history. However, this is done through a deliberate 'productive failure' - specifically, by not upholding the strictly genealogical approach that is regularly assumed for South Asian art histories. The author also examines 'whiteness', the invisible ground upon which racialized art histories often pivot, as a fraught yet productive site for writing art history. This book also provides original commentary on how queer theory can deconstruct and provide new approaches for writing art history. Monograph, Manchester University Press, June 2017 Inquire about this item
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About this Artist

Alpesh Kantilal Patel

Alpesh Kantilal Patel

Alpesh Kantilal Patel is a contemporary art historian, critic, and curator based at Florida International University, Miami, where he directed the MFA program in Visual Arts from 2012-2017. "Storytelling and Worldmaking." Artworks can be part of innumerable contexts: everything from contemporary painting to the history of flamingos. Adapting the popular PechaKucha format of storytelling, participants will give pithy presentations (10 slides, 20 seconds each) driven by image as a mode of research (rather than reflections of what you already know). These will then be discussed as a group with an eye toward clarifying that artworks do not exist in a vacuum but are always already part of multiple, vibrant contexts. The workshop will empower students to consider what artworks and broader ideas they are in dialogue with. At the same time, this workshop will underscore that artworks do not reflect the world but instantiate new ones.
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