Untitled 7 (2023)
Jeremy Boyle and Mark Franchino began a collaborative practice in 2012, exploring common interests in their individual studio practices and artwork. Their forthcoming exhibition / installation at CVA’s Bellowe Family Gallery will be their seventh solo exhibition of collaborative work, with each a further blurring of authorship between the two. They approach their work with an interest in everyday objects and systems, a refined sense of craft, inventive processes, a clean and minimalist aesthetic, allowing room for play and humor. Their site specific installations often springboard from an ongoing investigation into the forms and functions of the utilitarian systems that surround us, such as electrical conduit and heating ducts. Their work is primarily sculptural, sometimes drawing, often made from wood, sometimes in multiple and sometimes functional. Curated by Judy Barie. Sponsored by the Friends of CVA. Artists: Jeremy Boyle and Mark Franchino.
July 23 - August 20
Strohl Art Center | Bellowe Family Gallery | Opening reception July 23, 3-5pm
8 Items