Water is Life

No Longer Available




Arcylic Paint, Glass Beads, Nymo Thread


48" x 24" x 1"


Water is Life. Water is Essential for all creations on Mother Earth. It is the responsibility of all to keep our water clean and healthy for everything to survive the delicate balance we call life. When we no longer have a healthy environment, the balance will shift and unfortunately some creations which reside on Mother Earth will perish. Whenever anyone is upset, crying is a form of coping with any loss or pain. Crying is also a way of releasing stress thus cleansing the soul. Mother Earth is shedding her tears as she realizes Earth is out of balance. As her rain of tears fall into the waters, Mother Earth is reviving the water cycle with hopes of healing herself. Every raindrop is different in size with various shades of color, but all raindrops collect to create the waters essential for all life on Mother Earth.  

About this Artist

Catt Rez Beaders

Catt Rez Beaders artists: Mary Jacobs, Samantha Jacobs, Alana Jimerson, Sydney John, Richard Kettle, Julie Lay, Robin Seneca, Lori Seneca, Kim Mohawk, Brianna Gonzales, and Mary Gates. The Catt Rez Beaders are a group of bead workers who are interested in creating contemporary and traditional beadwork or the Haudenosaunee. The group is comprised of males and females, from teenagers to elders, with most residing on the Cattaraugus Indian Reservation, in Irving, New York. The group has been in existence for over 10 years and is constantly encouraging new members to join. The group strives to explore and research antique bead work pieces and revive the techniques with contemporary creations. The Catt Rez Beaders meet weekly at the Stanley Huff Heritage Center, in Irving, New York, and is led by Mary and Samantha Jacobs, a mother and daughter team. The leaders encourage the members to try their best, as beading may…
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