Pixels (Static)


Resin on Beech


11" x 9.65"




  My current body of work is an exploration into visual and tactile patterns. My work exists in its current form as both sculpture and abstract painting executed on reclaimed natural wood slabs. I draw inspiration from the often-overlooked beauty of patterns in both natural and manmade experience. My hope is to create objects that give the viewer some sense of awe I find in viewing brilliantly colored patch of lichen, stones on a riverbank or a crack in a sidewalk.    The technique I am using utilizes traditional hand executed carving techniques primarily with power tools on substantial slabs to create depth and manipulation of the patterns in the wood grain itself before or after using oil enamels, metal leafing, resin, and wood stains. The end result is both organic and almost digital in appearance and seems to ask the question of what separates the two”? I am discovering more that this work is a concentration device, and my hope is the viewer can hack meditation or a moment within the rhythm created. 

About this Artist

Nate Lucas

Nate Lucas, born in Ebensburg, PA, was reared in the woods in the streams off Western Pennsylvania – here her would root his relationship with his muse, finding inspiration in the meditative patterns of his natural surroundings. After studying fundamentals and classical technique at the Columbus School of Art and Design, Nate went off to spend the bulk of his career moving around the country gaining experience as a woodworker on various high-end projects from custom residential interiors to church restorations, honing his craft and finding balance between art and function. His artworks exist in its current form as both sculpture and abstract painting executed on reclaim natural wood slabs, drawing inspiration from the often-overlooked beauty off pattern in both natural and manmade experience. He desired to create objects that give the viewer some sense of the awe found in viewing a brilliantly colored patch or lichen, stones on a…
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