Maria Fernanda Barrero

María Fernanda Barrero is a Mexican artist who lives and works in Monterrey Mexico. Her work is mainly characterized by the use of white paper, or thread, as well as the use of contained monochrome spaces which include elements of nature and landscape.  

She graduated with an MFA in Sculpture from the Slade School of Fine Arts, University College London in 2008 and a BFA at the Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico in 2003. She also studied sculpture at Europäisches Kunst Akademie, Germany in 2005 and West Dean College, England in 2005. 

Her solo exhibitions include: Starry Lines and Mountain Nights, Bekanze Gallery, Miami (2020), By the End of Dusk, Alternativa Once Gallery, Monterrey (2018), A House in the Air at Casa de la Cultura de Nuevo León, Monterrey (2014), The flowers of a Garden that Might Have Existed, Galería CONARTE, Monterrey (2012), and A Garden by Dawn, Alternativa Once, Monterrey, (2010). She participated in the Registro 05 group exhibition at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MARCO) Monterrey (2018) and in the X FEMSA Biennale in 2012 as well as in over 40 group shows in Mexico, the United States, England, Italy, Israel and Japan.  

She participated in the Mino Paper Residency (2011) granted by the Japanese government and in their exhibition Navigating Light at the Mino Washi Museum, Japan. She obtained the Bernardo Elosúa. Arte A.C. Award Soporte/papel in 2009. 

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