Brian Fleetwood

Brian Fleetwood, a citizen of the Muscogee Nation of Oklahoma, is a jeweler, educator, and curator based in Northern New Mexico. Informed by traditional stories and making practices, a youth spent in rural Oklahoma, a background in biology and ecology, and lived experience with autism, Fleetwood’s work examines jewelry’s ability to mediate between a body and the space it occupies. He uses collaboration and experimentation with material and process to create work that aspires to behave in similar ways to living things, as a way of exploring parallels between the way ideas and living organisms grow, spread, and evolve. This work investigates the connections between different ways of knowing, acts of making, and the unexpected and complex kinship between ourselves and everything else. He holds and MFA in Craft and Material Studies from Virginia Commonwealth University and is currently an assistant professor of Studio Art at the Institute of American Indian Arts. 

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