
No Longer Available




Composite photograph printed on silk


120" x 42"


This image was made on the Lac du Flambeau Reservation in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. This is the home to the Ojibwe Indian tribe, my husband's people. When I walk among the trees, I am struck by the ineffable quiet and serenity. Each time I travel to Lac du Flambeau, there is a palpable dismantling of the cares and the worries brought with me. These concerns have no place in the woods. The whispers of the trees have its own dialect; the plants native to the area create their own mossy scent.      Photographing in the forest produces in me a sense of wonder and completeness. I have come to learn this sensation has a name: forest bathing, the act of rejuvenating the spirit and body by being in the woods. This project shares that feeling of well-being. This installation invites viewers to feel the deep connection to these ancient forests and contemplate the wonder of the Northwoods, and to feel the same sense of balance and peace that occur in the woods themselves. 

About this Artist

Mary Farmilant

   Challenging the way audiences view and interact with the photographic image has prompted Mary Farmilant to create an integral experience where the viewer blends with the photograph. They develop a reciprocal relationship where the viewer changes through the impact made by the object; the object changes, too.    Auditory, visual, olfactory, and kinesthetic stimuli in her work generates an impalpable emotional experience. In her photographic series, Natura Consonat, the installation responds to the audience: silk panels sway in the breeze created by human movement. Her work engages on a personal level, placing the audience inside the art so they become part of it.   Farmilant has exhibited in Galería de Arte Buenos Aires Sur, Toronto Contact Photo Festival; International Museum of Surgical Science, Morris Graves Museum of Art, Indianapolis Art Center, Festival of Light, Cardiff, Wales, Evanston Art Center, Evanston, IL, and Levy Gallery, Albuquerque, NM.  Awards include the…
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