
No Longer Available


Cut paper collage, acrylic and graphite


30 x 37"


My most recent works are compilations and reflections of my observations and experiences in my immediate landscape.  From the massive urban and central highway renovations to the gentrification of the working-class neighborhoods, home has changed tremendously. These large changes have ingrained a sense of urgency in me.  However, the day-to-day transitional experience as a witness to redevelopment impacts me as well. These changes result in the destabilization of what was once familiar – both in how a neighborhood looks in terms of its development and construction, but also in who occupies such places.   I ask my audience to consider the scope of the rapid changes that they bear witness to. Through the lens of abstraction, I am presenting works that deconstruct and destabilize one’s understanding of place, mirroring the constant shifts occurring in landscape.  My work addresses questions of equity and belonging, with consideration of our eco-crisis. 

About this Artist

Elizabeth Mooney

Elizabeth Mooney

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