Raku Vase I




Raku Fired Ceramics


12” x 7”




I love working with clay and find inspiration everywhere in nature.  My work tends to be more organic in structure and I especially enjoyed creating the surface design on Raku pieces.    In a Raku firing, areas without glaze will turn matte black.  This is because all the oxygen is extracted from the clay.  To create my designs, I use painters tape.  I first apply it to parchment paper and then cut out the shapes.  This essentially makes a “sticker”.   After everything is taped, I apply glaze over the entire piece.  The tape is then removed before the firing.  The beauty of Raku is the unpredictability of the results.  You can’t control the amount of crackling or how a color may present itself… this is what makes it so exciting. 

About this Artist

Lynette Caplice

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