Kauai Diptych




Photo Collage


11 x 14 5/8"




My daily walk is made bearable because I am accompanied by my camera. The potential tedium of walking block after block is eclipsed by the joy of noticing and capturing images I can later use in my artwork.      I am amused by photographing the detritus that man and nature have left behind – the remains of a “lost cat” poster, a stone, a discarded admission ticket, a fallen leaf.    
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About this Artist

Gary Johns

Gary Johns characterizes himself as an observer and recorder of the world in which he lives. His artwork reflects his interest in the decay and detritus that surrounds all of us. Johns finds beauty in what many people overlook. It can be in the form of a photograph, a torn poster, or all kinds of unimaginable litter found on the street. These elements are “combined” and are the centerpieces for many of his photographic and mixed media collages.  A collaborative project with renowned photographer Greg Gorman, titled Homage, will begin its exhibition tour this summer in Lubeck, Germany. Johns recently exhibited his mixed media work – titled Detritus – at the Holmann Gallery in Palm Desert and will exhibit his work this fall in Hamburg, Germany. Johns resides in the Echo Park section of Los Angeles for six months of the year. For the months between Memorial Day and Labor…
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