I Was Told I Take Up Too Much Space
No Longer Available
Vinyl letter installation
doorway variable
I was told I take up too much space is a consideration of marginalization, privilege and the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and how they shift hierarchically based on place, self, and community. The texts are declarations and examples of providing a voice for those marginalized and are tailored based on site specificity. The installation placement are marginalized spaces to emphasize “the overlooked”. The use of body is an element of Trejo Williams’ work and is considered in the installation causing the viewer to twist and turn to read which adds to the physicality of the movements of place, self, and community. Text, continuous: I was told I take up too much space. Privileged doesn’t mean I can’t be marginalized. My presence is here. You can’t see my lack of choice. I am more than my medication. I can marry who I want to marry. I am more than what I am wearing. No more hidden voices. Get out of the doorway if you can’t lend a hand.About this Artist
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