I Believe in Aliens

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Click HERE to view full video. I Believe in Aliens​, is a one-minute video created during my residency program atChautauqua Institution, School of Visual Arts. This video was in response to artist Kalup Linzy’s body of work. I was inspired by the concept of telecommunication, and I wanted to explore the theme of communication as it relates to my work between queerness and the universe. In this video, I pose the question: who are we, and why are we here? The possibility of extraterrestrial life, and the importance of the continued discovery of cognitive alien-life forms is deeply instilled in the piece as I try to make contact with other forms of life. Filled with longing for them to grant me the answer to my own queer existence, I state “we have much to learn about the universe, I have much to learn about myself.”  

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