Feel Me. All of Me




India ink on photo


8.25" x 7.25"




Body is the center of my artistic practice. Whether it is abstract or representational my work revolves around the body’s fragility and resilience as it faces internal, external, or psychological factors. This photographic series uses installations and sculptures built with the intent of being photographed. The use of the camera assists with framing a visual personal narrative as I share my queer story. The narrative holds tension and drama as I explore the thin line that separates an individual's private and public life and how space heavily affects this. For this drawing series I use out of focus images and drawing on the surface in order to put the images back into focus. It is a meditative process that causes me to analyze how important layers are. It often feels as though I am peeling back layers to reveal another aspect of my work and myself.
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About this Artist

Shelby Fleming

Shelby Fleming

Shelby Fleming (She/Her) holds a BFA in Studio Art from Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville and an MFA from the University of Arkansas School of Art. Fleming’s artwork has been exhibited nationally and internationally at venues such as the CICA Museum, South Korea, the International Sculpture Conference, and Art Saint Louis. Fleming’s studio practice is cross disciplinary with a focus on sculpture, installation, and performance art. Her most recent artwork focuses on how bodies occupy space physically and psychologically.
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