Fallen Flowers, Lima, Peru

No Longer Available




Triptych: Photo Collage


30" X 8"


In keeping with the theme, “Thinking Green,” this triptych, titled “Fallen Flowers, Lima Peru,” addresses the greenness of the world through vivid color. This photo-collage features three unmanipulated photographs of bougainvillea blossoms that have fallen to the ground. The overall size of this triptych is 30” x 8”. It often begins with a scrap of discarded paper. A colorful snippet saved from the floor of my studio. Or found on the street among the detritus of urban decay. Sometimes it begins with a photograph of something I find compelling. Even an inconsequential scrap from a 50 year-old Peruvian newspaper can serve as the impetus for a collage.  When I place this remnant on another piece of paper, the “conservation” begins; a dialogue between my subconscious and conscious mind, and the elements at hand. I normally do not think about the outcome. I let the conversation unfold and take me to a conclusion: logical, illogical or indifferent.  Gary Johns resides in the Echo Park section of Los Angeles for six months of the year.  For the months between Memorial Day and Halloween, he resides in Sherman, New York.

About this Artist

Gary Johns

Gary Johns characterizes himself as an observer and recorder of the world in which he lives. His artwork reflects his interest in the decay and detritus that surrounds all of us. Johns finds beauty in what many people overlook. It can be in the form of a photograph, a torn poster, or all kinds of unimaginable litter found on the street. These elements are “combined” and are the centerpieces for many of his photographic and mixed media collages.  A collaborative project with renowned photographer Greg Gorman, titled Homage, will begin its exhibition tour this summer in Lubeck, Germany. Johns recently exhibited his mixed media work – titled Detritus – at the Holmann Gallery in Palm Desert and will exhibit his work this fall in Hamburg, Germany. Johns resides in the Echo Park section of Los Angeles for six months of the year. For the months between Memorial Day and Labor…
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