No Longer Available
Acrylic and fugituve slave ads on paper
76" x 103"
Small pictographs encoded into this blueprint represent various practices that Black folks used to escape slavery and subvert the plantation system. Through embodied study and creative practice, Valoris hones in on fugitive practices such as knowing the water's ways, fixin' a plate, footwork, and grapevines. This process-based piece uses repetitive movements and markings to mirror themes of fugitive practice and liberation.About this Artist

Jessica Valoris
Jessica Valoris is an interdisciplinary artist and community facilitator based in Washington, DC. She weaves together mixed media painting, installation, ritual performance and social practice, to create sacred spaces. Her art activates ancestral wisdom, personal reflection, and community study. Inspired by the earth-based traditions of her Black American and Jewish ancestry, Jessica engages metaphysics, spirituality, and Afrofuturism in her work. Her art is both balm and blueprint: mapping out pathways for the Black liberatory imagination and reviving recipes for collective care. Jessica collaborates with organizers and cultural workers to facilitate community rituals of remembrance and conversations about reparations, abolition, earth-stewardship, and more. Jessica Valoris is currently a Culture and Narrative Fellow with The Opportunity Agenda and a recipient of the Washington Award from S&R Evermay. She has completed fellowships with VisArts Studio Fellowship, Public Interest Design Lab, Intercultural Leadership Institute, and Halcyon Arts Lab. Iterations of her recent body of work,…
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