Crewel Queen Anne

No Longer Available




12" x 8.25" x 8"


About seven years ago, I started working exclusively with porcelain. I did not know at the time, but obsession sent me down a path where materiality because everything. I gradually dispensed with glazes and colorants. The more I narrowed my practice, the richer it became, with one discovery leading to the next and then the next.. Above all, I realized I love incorporating an element of surprise in my work – as much for myself as for the viewer. I enjoy pushing porcelain to its brink: how thin and translucent can I get? How do I capture movement? How do I make the inside of a vessel as important as the outside? A late bloomer, I have stored up a lifetime of questions.. And when I stumble upon a satisfying resolution, it is addictive in the best possible way.     After decades working in clay, here’s what I’ve learned. My best efforts emerge from following what I love, while loosening expectations. Skill and technique seldom match what’s inn my mind’s eye. Thankfully, serendipity and grace occasionally fill the gaps. Solitude and light filled space are preconditions or productivity. So is time to walk, wander and take pictures. Paying more attention to what matters – devoting less energy to what doesn’t – remain my biggest challenges. I am a work in progress, so is my art.  

About this Artist

Leah Kaplan

Leah Kaplan

I have done a lot of things. I promoted design firms. I helped artisans sell their work.. I toiled as a government bureaucrat. (Just to name a few….) Oh. And I had three kids. Through it all, ceramics was my side gig. Then I turned fifty and realized time was finite. Instead of relegating art to the nooks and crannies o my life, I committed to my practice full time. In 2015, I became an Associate Artist at The Clay Studio. Inn 2019, I set up my own studio in Old City Philadelphia. It has high ceilings, ancient windows, and an awkwardly placed iron column. It is ridiculously drafty in the winter and way too hot in the summer. But it is all mine and I feel wildly fortunate going to work there every day.    Leah Kaplan has been working in clay for 30 years, honing her skills in…
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