Heather MacKenzie
Heather MacKenzie is a visual artist, writer, and educator with a practice founded in hand weaving. They delight in materials, processes, and loom technologies, prodding the inconsistent logic of their operations. Through their long-term research into standardized measurement, queer mathematics, and encryption technologies, they continue to poke at systems and structures and rules, questioning the possibilities of their engagement. Heather has acted as a Fulbright Scholar in Paris, France; Fountainhead Fellow at VCU in Richmond, VA; and artist-in-residence at ACRE, MASS MoCA, CiteĢ des Arts Paris, among others. Their work has been exhibited recently at venues including the Textile Center of MN; Alternative Art Space in Boston, Massachusetts; Sediment Gallery in Richmond, Virginia; Heaven Gallery and Rhona Hoffman Gallery in Chicago; and PointDom in Toulouse, France. They received an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Fiber and Material Studies, where they occasionally lecture.