No Longer Available
13.5" x 10" x 5"
Constructing lesbian erotics lies at the heart of my recent work. The sculptures take the glitter and iridescence of art nouveau ceramics and transform the concept of femme fatale into a gender fluid warrior and lesbian persona. The interior mirroring and shifting color in the works creates a baroque visual onslaught. The luminescent sculptures appear to come from an extra-terrestrial source, while the psychedelia emphasizes the dream-like, science fiction quality in the work. The wall reliefs are influenced by Les Guérillères, a novel written by Monique Wittig that reads like a utopian epic poem featuring a pantheon of mythologized female warriors. The wall reliefs are part of an imaginary frieze of sexually charged figures. They are at once fortresses in themselves, a merging of body, machine and architecture. The body and architecture become intertwined creating queer and feminist portraits that verge on the grotesque, and otherworldly.About this Artist
Julia Kunin
Julia Kunin lives in Brooklyn, NY. She earned a B.A. from Wellesley College and an M.F.A. from The Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University. Solo exhibitions include: Mechanical Ballet at Kate Werble Gallery, NY, NY 2021, and Rainbow Dream Machine at McClain Gallery, Houston, TX 2020 -2021. Les Guerilleres Sandra Gering Gallery, NY, NY, 2015, Golden Grove, Barry Whistler Gallery, Dallas, TX, 2013, Nightwood, Greenberg Van Doren Gallery, NY, NY, 2012, Against Nature, Greenberg Van Doren Gallery, 2007, Crimson Blossom Deutches Leder Museum, Offenbach, Germany 2002. Recent two person Exhibitions: Kaleidoscope Eyes, with Mara Held, at McClain Gallery in Houston, TX 2023. , Wild Chambers, with Yevgeniya Baras, at Mother Gallery, NY, NY 2022. Recent group Exhibitions include: Cosmic Geometries, curated by Hilma’s Ghost, EFA gallery, 2022, Conversing in Clay, at LACMA, Los Angeles, CA., Raw Design, Museum of Craft and Design, San Francisco, CA 2018, “Said by Her”…
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