Apply to the Chautauqua School of Art Residency Program

Eligibility for the Chautauqua School of Art Residency Program is open to artists working in all media who are 21 and older. Applicants should be interested in working in a studio-focused environment, want to participate in an art community, and be interested in learning from faculty. A college degree or enrollment is not required.

Applicants will be selected solely on submitted materials, with their artwork being the main component. The financial information provided does not play a role in the decision-making process.

For more information on the Chautauqua School of Art Residency Program, check out the About Our Program page with answers to Frequently Asked Questions here.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at We look forward to receiving your application!

Apply Now

Application Requirements

Requirements for application include:

  • 10 images of your work. All media accepted, including video. Video submissions must be less than five minutes each.
  • Descriptions of your work for each image you submitted, including title, medium(s), dimensions, and year created.
  • Short answer questions about your interest in the program.
  • PDF of your current resume or CV. 
  • $30 non-refundable fee.
  • Chautauqua Institution has a deep commitment  to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility and encourages applications from all backgrounds and lived experiences.

Benefits of Attending our Program

  • Mentorship
  • Technical classes held at the Chautauqua Visual Arts
  • Guidance from visiting artists
  • Receive a gate pass for the length of the residency, allowing students access to the grounds of Chautauqua as well as Amphitheater, chamber and Festival Schools programs
  • Attendance to our Visiting Artist Lecture Series
  • Studio visits from Visiting Artists
  • Access to thought leaders who visit Chautauqua in all of the Arts
  • Ample studio space
  • Housing
  • Meals
  • 24-hour access to our facilities in printmaking, ceramics, drawing, woodshop and more
  • A robust Alum program connecting previous School of Art attendees to one another, and to professional opportunities
  • Benefits from our institutional partners
  • And more!

Tuition & Fees

Housing Costs
Residence Hall $660
Security Deposit $100 (refundable)

Meal Plan
All meals (7 days a week) $1,800

Instructional Costs 

Includes full instruction costs, fitness center membership, registration fee, and gate pass to attend all events for free (except opera and theater).
Studio Fee: $150

Art Residency: $3,155

TOTAL: $5,615

We are dedicated to supporting artists and want to ensure that artists who have been accepted can attend regardless of their financial status.  A large percentage of our residents receive significant financial aid to attend. 

Scholarships & Funding

Full and partial scholarships are available for resident artists. Recipients must fulfill certain work obligations for a set number of hours a week. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the program without a refund. Those who receive full financial assistance are required to contribute the full 10 hours per week.

Participants who receive financial aid from external organizations, schools, or institutions are expected to share their experiences with the contributing institution.


We are open and excited to work with many mission-aligned nonprofit organizations, universities and schools to bring participants to the School of Art residency program. Our focus is on sharing resources and finding ways to offer opportunities to artists worldwide.  For more information, visit our Partnerships page.

College Credit

Participants in the Chautauqua School of Art residency program can receive undergraduate or graduate credit for their studies at the Chautauqua Schools of Performing and Visual Arts. Credits are available by special arrangement with the State University of New York (SUNY) at Fredonia. This is at the prevailing cost of SUNY tuition, in addition to tuition, room and board costs at Chautauqua. Students must indicate their desire for college credit at initial registration.

Visual Arts students can receive up to three credits for studio work for the course Special Topics: Studio Art (ARTS 390) — 1–3 credits.

For more information please contact:

Sarah Malinoski-Umberger
Chautauqua Schools of Performing and Visual Arts

Eric Skowronski
Director of Extended Learning
SUNY Fredonia

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For inquiries, comments and acquisitions, please feel free to contact us anytime. We welcome your input and conversation.
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